Tomorrow, September 24th, Artlog.com and Soho Night are having an Art Crawl event in Soho. I went to the one this past June and it was a really great time. Here is how it works...
When you pick up your ticket you are handed a map of all the participating galleries. You then get to pick and choose which ones you want to see or if you are really ambitious you can try to visit all of them during the hours of the crawl. Most of the galleries offer some beverages and there is an after hours party once the crawl is over at Naked Lunch (at Grand and Thompson). There are a lot of small gallery spaces so you get a chance to really look at everything at each location you attend. They are all within short walking distance from each other so you will get to see quite a few galleries if you plan your timing right. Overall, it's a wonderful way to mix and mingle while seeing a variety of artistry. I am not able to attend this one but am looking forward to the next event they host. If you are free tomorrow, I highly recommend that you try the crawl yourself!
To purchase tickets and see a map of the galleries go to http://artlog.com/collectsoho.
To purchase tickets and see a map of the galleries go to http://artlog.com/collectsoho.
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